United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
Economic Assistant
San Diego, CA | 05/2022 - Present
Principal fact-finding agency for the federal government for labor economics and statistics.
Conduct 1,200+ field surveys annually to gather statistical data for the Consumer Price Index.
Manage 400+ regional partnerships in the Commodities & Services and Housing Survey.
Chula Vista Community Collaborative
Family Resource Centers Program Manager
Chula Vista, CA | 06/2018 - 05/2022
Provider of social services and special projects for schools and neighborhoods in Chula Vista.
Manage five Family Resource Centers with 19 staff providing 27k+ yearly services.
Launch programs /initiatives to 400+ partners, 7k+ subscribers and 68k+ students.
Juma Ventures
Youth Development Coordinator
San Diego, CA | 09/2012 - 10/2015
Social enterprise managing programs and concessions in major sports/entertainment venues.
Managed 60 employees operating concessions for up to 70k+ guests and earning $500k/year.
Managed education program enrolling 89% of employees and earning $100k in scholarships.
Success Through Educational Mentoring
Project Manager
Davis, CA | 09/2008 - 6/2012
Founded higher education mentoring program between UC Davis and Visions in Education.
Coordinated educational partnerships, curriculum, managed 15 staff, and a $12k budget.